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Hello my fellow wingnuts..!

As many of you will know, since the end of 2021 after removing a certain ‘angler’ from my live moderator list,  I’ve put up with constant but frankly, boring, stream of online abuse, accusations and threats from TikTok’s most toxic angler (I will not mention his name – if you know you know, if you don’t, Lucky you!)

Despite this, I’ve never retaliated or put posts up to defend myself as people who come into my lives very quickly see it’s nothing more than pure jealousy from someone who believes they are the only angler on TikTok anyone should watch.

I hoped he would eventually grow up and stop the infantile behaviour but new fake allegations keep being posted by him with his handful of cult followers posting comments pretending to be random people (yes Billy, we know your game!), I’ve decided it’s time to show just some of how this narcissistic, hypocritical bully tries tries to discredit and intimidate people.

SO…grab a brew, make yourself comfortable while I present you with 

(Queue fanfare) Ta da da da da taDA …!

The Toxic Carper Fact Checker

Back on the 19th October 2021 (see 11th video in my TikTok timeline and you can see dates) I did my first ever TikTok live and had a great crack! At the time I was only fishing from first light to about midday (hence why I called myself ‘The Morning Carper’).

After building an audience, this guy started coming in and commenting and after a while, at his request, I made him a moderator  TBH I didn’t realise what this was but he told me I needed him on there .

Everything was fine to start with but It wasn’t long before I realised he was blocking people in my lives for no reason other than he didn’t like them (which is a LOT of people) . 

I had asked him to stop on several occasions and he agreed, only then to carry on blocking people the next time I was live. 

It all came to a head when I was fishing at Caistor Lakes in Lincs as I was getting messages from people saying they weren’t coming into the lives because he was being abusive and threatening when I wasn’t watching comments. Because of this, I very nearly came off TikTok altogether but instead I just tool him, and a couple of others he’d persuaded me to also add as mods who were doing the same thing, off my list of moderators.

The difference in the lives was massive and was definitely a much happier environment without him but this is what actually lead to his pathetic campaign of abuse he’s lead against me ever since 

My first ever live on TikTok!

The last time we had any communication was on the 19th Nov 2021 while I was fishing at Caistor Lodges in Lincs

This means that even if we were talking from the time I did my very first live (which we weren’t) this is just 5 weeks I’d known him before stopping all communication. 

He make out he ‘made me what I am’ on TikTok but I already had an account with 20k followers before I set this one up purely for the fishing which had grown very fast after my first lives before I even spoke to him.

Throughout my time on TikTok, I’ve had a ton of advice from LOADS of people and have always been grateful for the help everyone has given me but he is the only person who wants continual credit for any advice he imparts. He was in fact, the only one who would tell me how to fish and not just give advice and would try to put pressure on me to fish his way, getting annoyed if I listened to anyone else.

Typical narcissistic behaviour!

In early 2022, not long after the TMC Crew had started, a few of us got together to do a fund raiser to buy an electric wheelchair and other aids in the home for Catherine, the wife of another angler.

Myself and others, as the TMC Crew and loads of other anglers from TikTok got involved and all funds went DIRECTLY to the recipient through the online fundraising platform and we had NO control or access to any of the funds raised.

This didn’t stop him making up allegations of fraud and scamming though. 

In the end we’d raised 3k!

TMC Crew with MKAA presenting cheque to Willen Hospice

In Feb 2023 TikTok ran a Red Nose Day event in which they were donating their share of gift money to the appeal. During that time, I asked anyone that did want to gift me during that time to use only Red nose gifts so TikTok would donate to the event. 

He, however, has somehow imagined up a scenario where I’m begging for gifts and telling gifters that 100% of the funds were going to Red Nose. Absolute lies AGAIN.

TikTok repeated this event in 2024 but I was not on the bank during or around that time due to work commitments (something he should try maybe) but he STILL insists I somehow scammed the event. 

Maybe getting his nose out of the powder long enough to think coherently may give him time to realise how ridiculous he’s making himself look with these transparently baseless accusations

Er..No I don’t!

Everyone can have a free go but with the issues I’ve had with him, I now do it in the TMC Crew Facebook group. This is free to join.

This has been something I’ve done pretty much since I first started doing lives and I have never not had free entries for everyone. If someone does want additional guesses then they do have the option to do that. 

Amusingly, he’s desperately tried making money in various ways himself but failed dismally so his jealousy makes him fabricate scenarios to try and discredit others

Like every angler I know who does lives on TikTok, I gratefully accept gifts and do have subscribers. For those who aren’t aware what these are, they are small gifts, normally worth 1p, which people can give during a live. The ‘host’ e.g. myself, receives less than half of this. In the case of subscriptions, it’s even less!

The money made from gifts and subs does help towards what I do but does not even cover the additional costs I spend to try and make the lives as enjoyable as possible e.g. wifi box to help in poor signal areas, TikFinity interactive software and additional power packs & ‘Guess the Weight’ prizes. Fortunately, I do have a legitimate income and am fortunate enough to be able to afford to do this

Nothing I do is at a charge. People can support by gifting, subscribing or buying merchandise (all things he’s tried himself but failed dismally)) but no one is excluded if they don’t.

Unlike this textbook narcissist, when I give advice that has helped someone, I am genuinely pleased for them but don’t make a big song and dance about any help I’ve provided. He, on the other hand, expects them to constantly praise him publicly for even the most basic advice he may have given.

There have been literally a handful of times when I’ve done a sub only live but these have been when I haven’t been able to watch or interact with viewers comments e.g. when setting up / packing down. I’ve always made it very clear that these are ‘as well as’ the normal lives and not instead of.

Quite laughably, he’s tried doing this himself but was an absolute failure

This is something he says about everyone who doesn’t massage his already over sized ego. He constantly goes on about ‘Evidence’ he has miraculously managed to acquire 🤣 

Why has the vault of  ‘evidence’ he has locked away, not been sent to the police? He’s had over 2 years to do this so and yet there is absolutely nothing to back up any of his ludicrous claims and accusations

He likes blaming the TMC Crew and me in particular for getting all his accounts banned and pretty much everything else tbh yet he had the same problems before I was even on TikTok and, as it turns out, he was well known on Facebook before TikTok even existed!

I get people coming over to us to ask who we are cos he’s calling them a TMC this or TMC that but the’ve not even heard of us! 

Even when I was talking with him I didn’t watch many of his lives as I simply didn’t find them that interesting so there is no way I’ve bothered watching any of his lives or posts since.

The only time I see anything is when I get messages from people concerned about what he’s said he’s going to do to me. e.g. slice my face up so my grandkids won’t recognise me. What a lovely little chap hey? 

Oh dear! I don’t drink or smoke and the only white powder I touch are the 2 sugars in my tea. Again, an absolute fabrication that just shows how he will make stuff up but doesn’t have the intelligence to realise how easy it for people to see its complete bull.

FFS, seriously?? He thinks I’ve got Korda’s budget now?

Well what can I say?? I have no idea why he made this up from but I have never charged anyone to fish with me.

I have been on some socials with other anglers but these have always been organised by others and payments nothing to do with me but maybe the poor thing got a little confused,  bless him 🤣

I’ve actually fished since I was a kid. It is true, however, that I only get into carp fishing when I was in my late 30s and only for a couple of years before my fishing came to an abrupt halt around 2003 and I had an 18 yr break until I picked the rods up again in 2021.  

One of the reasons my audience grew so well was because I wasn’t scared to ask questions and show my naivety & inexperience. I now get to fish A LOT and on many different waters with lots of different people. This means that in a relatively short time, I’ve picked up a lot more than most would have the chance to , however, I am always looking to learn and when someone asks my opinion or advice, I will give it BUT always ask if anyone else has a something different to add. This way, we all learn.

What this guy does is tell people how to fish and if they dare suggest they’d do things differently very often blocks them (after calling them a TMC **** obviously) 

While he accuses, threatens and tries to intimidate he plays the victim card, accusing others of being keyboard warriors and picking on him. 

While he mocks people for their jobs, he struggles to hold onto employment himself, but, unlike many who he bullies, this is not through any physical or mental issues 

While he accuses others of ‘grooming’ kids, he is constantly trying to impress youngsters with his perverse tales violence, carrying weapons, hurting or even killing wildlife. He’s also insisted that they direct message him to ask even basic questions like what rods he uses!

He’s a coward, a bully and a narcissist who enjoys making other people’s lives as miserable as possible to make himself feel empowered.

This, frankly sad little man, has nothing but anger, hate and delusional fantasies not only about his abilities as an angler but also his misguided belief that he is some kind of samaritan!

He mistakes others contempt for him as jealousy but deep down knows if he stopped his campaign of hate, he would be forgotten about in a heartbeat by all but an extremely small handful of individuals. Of course if this isn’t true, maybe he could try it and prove me wrong??